Testimonial Page

This is a place for you to leave your words of encouragement, support 
or even vent, it's all good.

Love and light to you.


The first time I met Kitty Nelson was at Jonestock, a group of musicians who gather together for good times, good food and great music. The year was 2010.I went up to introduce myself as I had yet to meet her. She said " Let's go for a little walk". After we had walked for a while we stopped and she took both of my hands and said "you are going through a very troubled time but you are not alone, I see behind you to the left, a short stocky woman with gray hair singing old Christian hymns". She was speaking up my mother who had passed in 1999. I was flabbergasted. Then she states "I feel a little boy, a toddler who is trying to come to you but someone is holding him back". She was speaking of my 2 year old grandson, whose father took and would not give back to my daughter. I burst into tears at that time, Kitty had no way of knowing this information as I had told no one. She gave me comforting words & helped my troubled mind. And so began our friendship. Kitty is the most compassionate loving woman I have ever met. She counsel's, console's & LOVES. Unselfishly. Her spirituality, her gifts are amazing to experience. 

I've seen her go up to a person and gently say "You have something medically wrong going on in this specific area, please go get it checked out". That person will come back to her and say Kitty, you were right. Kitty has been a godsend to me. We were meant to meet. She has counseled me on what holistic supplements I needed to take. They have done wonders for my health. My description of  Kitty is serenity & love, you can feel it when she walks into a room. The love she has in her heart is overflowing for loved ones, strangers, humanity & in the world we live on. I hope everyone has the divine pleasure to meet this remarkable woman, you will be truly blessed as I have.

-DGarcia 2014

1 comment:

  1. I've had the pleasure of knowing Kitty for many years now. The reason I take the time to write here is because she is a woman with a gift, a woman who uses her gift in loving ways to help others. The most recent instance I had the occasion to be touched by this gift was just a few weeks ago. A dear friend had recently gone missing. I asked her if she sensed anything, as he had been ill and I was worried. She knew this friend also and agreed see what she could. Then I did not hear from her. A few days later, we learned our friend has passed away. I told Kitty the day after I had learned the news. She gently told me she had been waiting for me to find this news and to call her, that she knew his energy on this planet was gone. This may be a small thing to most, but I share here because it reveals the gentle and kind energy that Kitty uses in her work. If you are able to sit with her, take a deep breath, clear your mind of distraction, and listen . . . and enjoy.
