Defining our Services
Here is a brief explanation of each type of service offered to help you understand what is going on here, and ultimately to help you choose which service you feel is right for you.
At the end you will find a rather cheeky FAQ for the super curious. And to allay any fears go here.
or chiromancy (also spelled cheiromancy; from Greek kheir (χεῖρ, ός; “hand”) and manteia (μαντεία, ας; “divination”)), is the practice of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the landscape of the palm. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations.
A reader usually begins by reading the person's 'dominant hand' (to some considered the conscious mind, whereas the other hand is subconscious). In some traditions the passive hand is believed to carry family traits, or to convey information about past-life or karmic conditions.
Anjali Cazalet
Faye of Faerie Favor

Based upon the Elder Futhark, a Norse alphabet, the Runes are 24 stones or tiles, each carved with a runic symbol that pertains to various areas of "life". These tools are used for divination and opening up psychic awareness.
Like the Tarot or I-Ching, you can use Runes to gain messages and spiritual insight. Although not as well known as some divinatory methods, using Runes can provide you another alternative for conversing with your Higher Self and the Universe.

is the ancient act of divination for the purpose of clairvoyance. It is usually achieved by concentrating on or staring (gazing) at an object having a shiny surface until a vision appears. Scrying is one of the earliest forms of Divination in recorded history, appearing in China in 3000 BC, Egypt in 2500 BC, and Ancient Greece around 2000 BC.
Scrying comes from the English word "descry" which means "to make out dimly" or "to reveal." There have been and are many purposes for the activity; to see into the future, to find lost objects or persons, and track criminals, among others.
Michel de Nostredame, usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French physician to King Charles IX and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide.
Anjali Cazalet
Faye of Faerie Favor

is the use of special cards, often a 78 card deck, but the modern decks offer a wide variety of styles and formats. The imagery on the cards guides the reader along a path to the answers for nearly any question imaginable. Sometimes, the cards (or the powers that be), have their own messages to deliver and it doesn't matter what the initial question was, the current answer is what the person really needs to know.
Their history is convoluted at best. Some claim it started in Egypt, others as a card game in Italy around the 15th century. There is nothing evil about the decks, and the first decks in Italy were a card game called Tarock or Triumph. These cards leaned heavily on the Church symbolism, allegorical symbology present in each image.
Anjali Cazalet
Faye of Faerie Favor
or Tasseomancy (Tasseography) is the practice of reading the perceived images or messages in the sediment remaining after drinking a cup of wine, coffee or tea. A rich history, many cultures have practiced some form of Tasseomancy, whether it be reading the dregs of wine or Turkish coffee sediment, or the leaves of tea. There is certainly a reverence, or ceremonial feel to the art, taking time out of a busy day to relax, enjoy the warmth, the healing and invigorating properties of a cup of tea or Turkish coffee. For some it is a very personal and private moment, only shared with family, a tradition after the meal, or afternoon pause in the day, and Mother or Grandmother reads every one's cup after wards.
Anjali Cazalet
Faye of Faerie Favor
Just for the two of you.
The best means of divining the single entity that is your unity is either Tarot or Runes. While it is possible to Scry or read the tea leaves if you should desire, the two aforementioned are the better choice. It is not meant for reading each person individually. If that is what you wish, then we suggest to seek out a single reading.
Combining two modes of divination for a single reading, ie. Palm/Tarot, Rune/Palm, Rune/Tarot, Tea leaf/Scrying, Scrying/Palm, etc.
Please note that this is done with a single reader and not 2 different readers so depending on availability, some combos may not be possible at that time.
Divination, fortune telling, psychic readings and mediumship, what is it?
Is it evil?No.
Is it of the Devil?
Oh heck no.
There are certain Tarot Decks, such as Rider-Waite whose symbology has roots into Christianity and many other decks leaning on different religions.
Any one may seek out a psychic and have done so through out history, even King Solomon!
The Occult is dark, black magic.
No, it isn't.
The word Occult means "knowledge of the hidden". It comes from the Latin word "Occultus" meaning the "clandestine, hidden, secret. For most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences.
I believe that every one has the ability to tap into the cosmic, collective intelligence, the all-power, the knowing or what ever you wish to call it. Unfortunately for most, they are told it doesn't exist, it is a figment of your imagination, it isn't a pink elephant, it's blue! Society wants people to conform because to do otherwise makes you "different" and we can't have different now, can we? Pay no mind to the woman behind the curtain, she's got a mind of her own.
It is not our job to tell you what you want to hear but to help you learn and grow through the choices and experiences you are having. Our job is to warn of impending challenges with compassion and care, and to give possible options that will minimize the negative effects and allow the lessons to be learned gently. We can help you study for the test, but we cannot take the test for you. No cheating!
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